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Richard Kimball Posts

I Am Going to Unzip It

    Becoming a Little Mouthy!

 Back in the 1980s I promised Presidents Ford and Carter, along with 38 other national leaders of their day, that I would not utter another word about politics or much of anything else controversial for as long as it took.  I would then commit my life to creating a source of abundant, accurate, relevant, factual information we could all support and to which any conservative or liberal could turn in absolute confidence.   

 The result, of 34 “utterless” years?  Twelve thousand, three hundred and eighty-eight days of corked, unstable explosiveness about my fellow man. 

 This is my announcement of my coming blather.  If you want to follow my missives, know this: they will be eclectic, about the present and the past, a bit of humor, and a healthy dose about YOU, along with occasional chapters of the memoir I am writing called, “The Life and Times of a Nobody.”

 What I write may please and anger you in equal measure and be absorbing to no one but me.  But you are welcome to follow my musings on at: where you will get notified when I publish a missive, or simply go to my blog (, or even better, just grab a beer, kick back in your Barcalounger, and smother up the real world with another run of Leave it to Beaver.

 You will see that I have already published a half dozen short pieces, while I was testing this with a handful of neighbors and family. 

 Now I start for real.

 Richard Kimball

 Founder of Vote Smart

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 Few things make one more miserable than that moment in an argument when you realize you’re wrong!   

  For that reason, two words have never been heard in debate, “I am wrong.”

  Once you invest in a point of view, you’re done.  In fact, research has shown that exposing people to contradictory facts only intensified their existing beliefs, making them more inflexible.  You see this reality with participants on January 6th, opposing sides on the Supreme Court’s abortion decision, at your job and in your personal life.

 If you want to be persuasive and impact someone’s misguided beliefs, you’d better start by agreeing with them.  Only that approach can expose any unfrozen receptors and open potential for adjustment.


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Tough Doves

Winning Peace Takes Courage

My Dove

It sat unnoticed and motionless in a Jasmine I planted some years ago. I might never have noticed had I not used a garden hose to spray dust off the Jasmine’s vines — it flinched. It made the slightest almost imperceptible move when the water struck, making what had been invisible to me visible for the tiniest instant and then refroze as it had for weeks, even as I passed within inches to feed my two dogs underneath it each day. I could stand a foot from its face as it stared back at me resolute, unwilling to budge.

It took a week before I understood.

For many days now, I have been in awe of its devotion and patient, sheltering courage. It was like seeingdoves for the very first time. They may not have claws and fangs, but doves are damn tough. And now, as I look out my office window and see its two young peering from the vines, readyto test a first flight, I think how lucky they are that someone cared so — cared that they get this chance to fly.

Richard Kimball, Vote Smart Founder

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Election Deniers


  Millions being spent by Democrats to support election fraud, pro-life and Uzi-supporting Republican candidates?

                                   W T F !

 Of course, they do it in the hopes of getting unelectables as Republican nominees in the general election, or at least get more viable Republican challengers to burn through their cash defending themselves before facing a Democrat.

 They are having so much fun with voters it gives them the giggles.    You know, the same giggles Trump gets when surrounded by evangelicals he privately says are full of shit, scammers, and hustlers.

 These Democrat 2.0 versions of Trump deserve an equal amount of your derision.  If you do not think so, just imagine if this idea gets legs.  Democrats funding extremist Republicans and Republicans funding extremist Democrats.  That is a world you DO NOT want to see or in the end, live in.  



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    O M G > G O P> W T F


Saw this little bumper sticker:

    O M G >    G O P>    W T F

  Wasn’t sure what it meant until someone steeped in this new language explained.  It was then that I


 It made me think of those I had worked with, those Republicans I most respected in politics both in the Congress and state legislature.

 I am not sure why I always got along better with Republican colleagues than my fellow Democratic ones, but it was always so.  None were or ever would have been Trump-pets, and those that have passed on are certainly smoldering in their graves over that despicable, traitorous ass.

 They were simply conservative, came to their judgements by experience and thinking often different than my own, and most notably, always fun, challenging, and educational to talk with. The result: contentions could be, if not resolved, at least adjusted, and advance toward a common goal.


 Richard Kimball, Vote Smart

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Political Friendship

U.S. Senate Photo
U.S. Senate Photo

Unknown to most citizens, the U.S. Senate had a Candy Desk. Generally staffed by Republican senators and managed by tradition, it existed for half-a-century and was responsible for secreting sweet snacks onto the Senate floor. It was perhaps one of the longest standing circumventions of their own laws-in this case, the Senate law that prohibits food on the Senate floor.

It started back when senators once got along, even liked each other. But about 15 years into it, Democrats decided to have their own Candy Desk.

Kindness, friendship and cooperation left Congress long ago.

The original Candy Desk was begun back when members of congress and their families often lived in Washington full-time, instead of rushing back home at every opportunity to politic and raise the $10,000 a day, 365 days a year needed to win re-election.

Back when money was not King and families and friendships were, members of congress got to know each other, even like each other. If you are old enough, you might even remember a few famously odd friends: Tip O’Neill and Ronald Reagan, or Jack Kennedy and Barry Goldwater.

Washington was different back then. Members of a Congressperson’s family often lived there, you were in the same social circles of dinner and Embassy parties, members stuck around, their children went to the same schools. You were just less likely to call the father of your kid’s best friend a lying bastard.

Civility could win the day and won a lot of good government.

Richard Kimball — Vote Smart Founder — still learning — my blog is coming

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Happy 4th of July

be proud

4th of July free stock photo
4th of July free stock photo

Given all that we have done to each other lately, it can be difficult to be proud of ourselves. But as a citizen would say and every patriot knows, when disaster strikes some distant land, the people there won’t think, “Russia is coming to help us.” No, they won’t think, “We can count on China’s aid.” No, what they will think is this, the people of the United States of America are on their way. And for that and that alone you can be immensely proud of your country this 4th of July.

Richard Kimball, Vote Smart Founder

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No one hates Americans like Americans

Has honor become irrelevant?

PBS NewsHour photo of Kimball starting Vote Smart
PBS NewsHour photo of Kimball starting Vote Smart

We say the most hateful, despicable things about one another, we are armed like no other and willing to kill. Enemies we once worried about across the world, have now moved in across the street.

Thirty-four years ago, I promised Presidents Ford and Carter along with 38 other national leaders of their day that I would not utter another word about politics. I would simply focus on building a system to which any conservative or liberal could turn for the facts about those who governed or wanted to replace those who do. In turn, they would support a national system, using students from universities across the nation to build an immense database of facts covering the over 40,000 politicians running for office and their power to govern our lives.

For a time, the idea grew and had a chance to pummel dishonesty and dishonor to death. However, current events have rendered honor irrelevant both without and within and thus that system is on life support.

The result of 34 utterless years? Twelve thousand, three hundred and eighty-eight days of corked, unstable explosiveness about my fellow man.

My blog will be eclectic, with comments about the present, the past, a bit of humor, and a good dose of learned philosophy, along with occasional chapters of the autobiography I am writing called, “The Life and Times of a Nobody.”

It may please and anger you in equal measure and be absorbing to no one but me.

But you are welcome to follow me on

Richard Kimball – Vote Smart Founder

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