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The well-educated, compassionate, loving are always the least likely to defend themselves, throw a punch, and fight.

With heads in the warm comforting sands of the way they wish things would be, should be, they succumb to a beckoning dreaminess that somehow things will be made right. Somehow?

It is a rare, glorious moment when the meek turns and stands. It takes the greatest of evils:  The Revolution, The Civil War, Women’s Suffrage, Hitler, Civil Rights, all brought a divided country together by the quietly hopeful finally deciding to stand.

Now no one knows that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” more than the Grand Old Party gone under the foot of a strong man.  It would be hard to miss the truth of that old 19th century axiom as we witness the GOP’s leaders abandoning their principles and falling like dominos under the weight of a single boot.

Absolute corruption can subdue the entire known world when the meek fail to stand up.  My favorite example: Genghis Khan, another megalomaniac who essentially rode into a town one day with his friends and said, “Give me everything you have.” When they refused, he and his friends slaughtered every man, woman and child and rode off to the next town. Again, he said, “Give me everything you have.” When they refused, he hacked them to death and rode on. Eventually towns got the message and had readied for him all they possessed. It was just in that way the largest contiguous empire ever known was made. In his homeland they still find in him a source of adulation.

Is it too early to dread the day when that coiffured, self-obsessed effigy is towering over the Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson monuments?

Richard Kimball

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Published inPoliticsPresidential campaign