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“It is not our job to educate but to win!”

That was the furious, in my face, response to a speech I once gave about the need to provide voters with easy access to accurate relevant facts about candidates that anyone, conservative or liberal, could turn for the truth in absolute confidence.

That quote was from Arizona’s representative on the Democratic National Committee, the “The oldest continuing party… leading with its values…” says their website. It is exactly that horror of hypocrisy that has led to the frustration that Trump feeds and grows on.

Are you going to be a problem

It is not too late. Do your homework., the organization I had been referring to in that speech, is still a place that can help you do it.

Richard Kimball

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but Tom Matthews was the Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth wannabe clipping Trump’s ear.  Had he been an inch closer to center, what would have happened?

Would MAGAS go supernova and attempt to dismember all the fantastical goblins Trump has fingered in the “Dark State?”

Would one of the Trump wannabes grab his banner and carry forth or would they just feed on one another?

Would the Republican Party be regained by lifelong conservatives riveted on reducing spending but for military protection?

Would the ebbs and waves of politics return to that world of responsible give and take that has so continuously inched America and the world forward toward fairness?

I don’t know, but it is my guess that Trump is the one Gorilla Glue that holds MAGAS from each other’s throats.

Richard Kimball

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The well-educated, compassionate, loving are always the least likely to defend themselves, throw a punch, and fight.

With heads in the warm comforting sands of the way they wish things would be, should be, they succumb to a beckoning dreaminess that somehow things will be made right. Somehow?

It is a rare, glorious moment when the meek turns and stands. It takes the greatest of evils:  The Revolution, The Civil War, Women’s Suffrage, Hitler, Civil Rights, all brought a divided country together by the quietly hopeful finally deciding to stand.

Now no one knows that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” more than the Grand Old Party gone under the foot of a strong man.  It would be hard to miss the truth of that old 19th century axiom as we witness the GOP’s leaders abandoning their principles and falling like dominos under the weight of a single boot.

Absolute corruption can subdue the entire known world when the meek fail to stand up.  My favorite example: Genghis Khan, another megalomaniac who essentially rode into a town one day with his friends and said, “Give me everything you have.” When they refused, he and his friends slaughtered every man, woman and child and rode off to the next town. Again, he said, “Give me everything you have.” When they refused, he hacked them to death and rode on. Eventually towns got the message and had readied for him all they possessed. It was just in that way the largest contiguous empire ever known was made. In his homeland they still find in him a source of adulation.

Is it too early to dread the day when that coiffured, self-obsessed effigy is towering over the Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson monuments?

Richard Kimball

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That has the Trumps sending out inaugural invites.  She has been more attackable and less appealing than Biden from day one.

Now you toss Michelle and Al at them, and you can send out the invites instead.

Or if you really want to be inventive, exciting and assure a win, do what Aaron Sorkin suggests and have the Democrats nominate this guy:

Richard Kimball

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I must confess my guilt.


Hardly a day has gone by these past nine years when I haven’t gotten up in the morning, opened my computer and hoped to hear news of Trumps fatal heart attack or brain aneurysm. He has represented all that I have opposed in life – honor, truth and decency.

He is a danger to all that I believe.  I can’t say that my feelings do not border on hate, which is exactly what he has generated, not just against him but against each other, which for me is unforgiveable, both for him and for me.

Richard Kimball, Vote Smart Founder 1988

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 Well now he’s done it.  Promised, if elected to “root out all vermin” that disagrees with him. People like General Milley, Pense and so many other former friends he wants put to death.

 I am not very liberal, but I am proud to stand by his vermin, a term first used in the 14th century referring to animals that are difficult to control.

 I don’t think he can control me or you, or any thinking conservative or liberal, unless of course you’re amidst the mindless goosestepping boot lickers that are making him possible.

Richard Kimball, Vote Smart Founder

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Cupid is a Little Devil?

To preserve a modicum of sanity and friendly relations if I take a walk when someone talks politics. I have found there is comfort in not knowing another person’s views.

However, this week as so many liberal friends celebrate Trump’s indictment drawn from a sexual affair, I just want on the highest hill to scream how dangerously desperate that inditement will be made to appear.

Is paying off a prostitute really the important issue?

When the conservatives wanted to impeach Clinton for Whitewater, found nothing but Monica Lewinski and so impeached him for that, was the world made right. Does anyone really think men in power won’t follow the urge to pollinate the flowers that gather about them. Hell, even Jimmy Carter “lusted in his heart.”

Be careful what you wish for? You better.

This celebration will play the key role in turning what is an imbecile into a martyr with his millions of nymphlepts. He had sex. He tried to hide it. Ya, that’s unusual, let’s get him for that and engorge his line, “The liberals are on a witch hunt and will do anything,” with real value.

This indictment helps build him a silken cushion to fall upon when it comes to the serious issues that truly matter, like insurrection, election interference and tax fraud.

Richard Kimball, Vote Smart Founder

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As a kid I wondered how

someone could talk if

they didn’t have a brain.

Then I got into politics.

Politics for Dummies 101

 As an unsoiled, wide-eyed newcomer long ago, I worked in the U.S. House, then the Senate, and finally as an elected official myself.  I quickly learned a couple of things. The first was this:  Few politicians know much about the issues they represent you on. Unknown to almost every citizen is that thousands of bills are offered up in congress every session — some contain a thousand pages or more.  No one sits there and reads them.  You don’t, they don’t, so who is running this thing?

 To answer imagine this:   Let’s say you are Senator YOU and the final bell rings calling you to the senate floor to vote on giving a billion dollars to widget makers, the widget makers that do read the bills and often actually draft them.  As you head for the door to go vote both your phones ring. You only have time to take one call.  On the first phone is that real you, just a typical voter in your district concerned about how your money is being spent.  On the other phone is that new friend, a widget maker who raised one hundred thousand  for your last campaign, or pushed a few thousand of his minion widget makers in your district to vote for you, or perhaps spent a half million on his own trashing your opponent so you wouldn’t get blamed for it. Which call are you going to take? 

Get it?

 Sometimes there is a bit of a wrinkle when widget makers fight with gizmo makers. They both fight over your dollars and when that happens many representatives feel compelled to find ways of filling both wallets.  As a gawky, googly-eyed new capitol staffer, I learned how that happens like this:  As a young pup, my first job in congress was to read the cards and letters from home sent to my congressman and select the kind of canned response they should receive.  (NO, they didn’t always read your letters, unless of course you are a widget or gizmo maker.)  

 The machinery back then to answer dozens of daily letters and machine sign (NO, those signatures on their letters to you were not always originals) responses to your concerns was noisy, so I worked at night after everyone went home. 

 Anyway, to my point, one night I opened a letter from a lady who was furious with my Arizona congressman’s vote to subsidize cigarettes.  I had not known that and became upset myself.  I stayed up a few extra hours to confront my congressman at the door as he walked in the next morning.   His condescending glance at me told his chief of staff, who had walked in with him, to handle this kid.  Which he did, pulling me aside.

 No, he said, the congressman doesn’t really support tobacco growers, but he needed Senator Jesse Helms of tobacco-growing North Carolina to support the billions in tax dollars needed to alter the course of the Colorado River so that it flows through Phoenix and Tucson instead. 

 Now if you’re not selling cigarettes or real-estate in a bone-dry desert, you probably didn’t know anything about this.  And that is just fine with those widget makers who do, and pump millions into congressional campaigns to get billions in return.

 At any rate, that was some time ago, long before people became so exasperated that the grounds became fertile for a traitor like Trump.

 Richard Kimball, Vote Smart Founder

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