I do not like Kamala. She represents the kind of politics that I have railed against my entire life…changing positions for political expediency, cloaking positions that a citizen struggling to self-govern is required to have to do so successfully.
But I HATE TRUMP. As I said privately to friends when he inexplicably became President in 2017, “Get me into the Oval Office, I can kill him, and all I would need is a pencil.”
Condemn me as you will, but as with the rise of Hitler or Atila the Hun, I would have willingly slammed the breaks on the evil that from time to time grabs a grip on the discontented and leads them into the darkness trashing kindness and lives.
It is unlikely that you have lived the horror that vindictive tyrants can bring to your world and that is how from time to time they repeat themselves.
Welcome to your moment in history with nothing more than a pencil on November 5th
Richard Kimball
Sign up on my Blog at: richardkimball.org
Medium.com at: https://medium.com/@daffieduck2016
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