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No one hates Americans like Americans

Has honor become irrelevant?

PBS NewsHour photo of Kimball starting Vote Smart
PBS NewsHour photo of Kimball starting Vote Smart

We say the most hateful, despicable things about one another, we are armed like no other and willing to kill. Enemies we once worried about across the world, have now moved in across the street.

Thirty-four years ago, I promised Presidents Ford and Carter along with 38 other national leaders of their day that I would not utter another word about politics. I would simply focus on building a system to which any conservative or liberal could turn for the facts about those who governed or wanted to replace those who do. In turn, they would support a national system, using students from universities across the nation to build an immense database of facts covering the over 40,000 politicians running for office and their power to govern our lives.

For a time, the idea grew and had a chance to pummel dishonesty and dishonor to death. However, current events have rendered honor irrelevant both without and within and thus that system is on life support.

The result of 34 utterless years? Twelve thousand, three hundred and eighty-eight days of corked, unstable explosiveness about my fellow man.

My blog will be eclectic, with comments about the present, the past, a bit of humor, and a good dose of learned philosophy, along with occasional chapters of the autobiography I am writing called, “The Life and Times of a Nobody.”

It may please and anger you in equal measure and be absorbing to no one but me.

But you are welcome to follow me on

Richard Kimball – Vote Smart Founder

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