I know it is an odd thing when I say Jesus talks to me. But somehow, he finds a way.
If I do good, I am kind, thoughtful and giving, he inflates my senses of self-worth and joy.
If I do bad, he loads me with self-doubt and roils my brain in the darkness of a sleepless night.
It is because of him, I never think of harassing, bullying, abusing or grabbing a woman by the pussy.
He talks to me about supporting the poor and needy, not judging or condemning others, or seeking revenge or retribution, or promoting conflict and division. All spot on with what he said and exampled in his life.
He also talks to me of the modern-day temple profiters pointing to their new leader who warps his every example into the most grotesque deformities persuading acceptance of a smothering of all he lived for.
Richard Kimball – more historian than Christian
Sign up on my Blog at: richardkimball.org
Medium.com at: https://medium.com/@daffieduck2016
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