Courage: requires one to insist on what they know to be right even as others see it as wrong.
Fairness: requires equal beginnings.

One born with a child producing vagina the other only a dick, and that was not the only difference.
For me, I have always thought the best of women brighter than the best of men, which has now resulted in my yearning to take my chances with the likes of the enlightened Jewish woman now running Mexico rather than the nitwitted male chosen as the best of us up north.
For me, the issue of Transgenders in sports, effects so few, and is so inconsequential that it lists somewhere in my second quadrillion.
But alas it has captured the attention and passion of the media and all those focusing on their muck.
Thus I offer a solution: A golden asterisk representing both courage and possible advantage.
Richard Kimball
Sign up on my Blog at: richardkimball.org
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