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 If you are getting on in years, do you worry about having a bad ending, a long and painful one. Does it trouble you that you cannot find a peaceful means to pass on, on the internet?  If you look, what you will first find is some message that amounts to “Don’t Do It!” followed by a jaw droppingly number of (cover my ass) equivocations, and finally a listing of the two gruesome options most of the 49,000 annual U. S. suicides are funneled into: blow your brains out or hang yourself.

This is due to the power of cults or what we think of as religious leaders.  A power given by most of us seamlessly devoted to those claiming to be God’s representatives on earth, all of whom insist that regardless of your agony you suffer through it.

So silly is the notion that God is all powerful but cannot get it up to talk to each of us without some self-anointed mediator.

I for one hear God’s messages every day:  pleasure, guilt, contentment, misery, happiness, sadness, anxiety, longing, pride, humility, jubilation, terror, sorrow, hope, on and on. Messages bounce off me like my tennis ball on the backboard.

But I digress. All I asked the internet was a simple answer to what are the most peaceful methods for ending one’s own life should one enter terminally agony.

NO! I have no interest in taking my own life, but many suffering do, and I may one day.  Many elderly, such as I wonder about it, think about it and worry about it for a multitude of unselfish reasons.  Do you know the answer?

Kimball, Vote Smart Founder

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