There are only the unqualified, some grossly more so than others.
You learn to be President when President. Well, not everyone, but it has been our good fortune that many have risen above themselves to learn and tough out the task honorably. Presidents like Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt (yes both) and Reagan are rated amongst the best by historians, while the likes of Buchanan (led us into the Civil War), Trump and Harrison (Corrupt) amongst the worst.
This is to say nothing about the lower politicians, you know little about, now peddling their elixirs to seize your vote.
I offer myself as example: My first job after college was as an Automative Manager “in training” at Kmart. I knew nothing about cars, had never even owned one, but there I was one day, giving advice to some customer complaining that their car was losing power going up hills. My response, “Did you check your battery,” became a company joke. Well, that was until I bested myself when my garage crew became overloaded, and I decided to sell four of our best radials and put them on myself. I did a good job. I put on a green smock to keep my clothes clean, used one of those lug nut guns, zapped the nuts off, slapped the tires on and sent them on their way with a sense of newfound pride. It took less than a minute for one of the mechanics, to ask, “What or those?” At my feet were the five lug nuts belonging on the right rear tire. My whimpering sprint was Olympic, toward the freeway entrance I flew just in time to see the tire crumple and bend out the fender of that shiny new Cadillac.
I used to enjoy telling that story AFTER citizens elected me to the Arizona Corporation Commission, where I became chairman and eventually led Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona in its efforts to regulate the countries largest nuclear power plant, something I knew far less about than changing tires.
Flogging myself with that story should worry you about how little you really know about most of the candidates you will choose from this November.
As it turned out, I learned on the job, studied hard and did a pretty fair job defending consumers. But the vast majority won’t know that, nor about most of the candidates they select from this November. Not because they cannot know, but because they are busy and comfortable enough with the way things are. Most will select based on what they’ve been told by whatever media source soothes the whatevers they already think.
There is a cure for this.
Richard Kimball
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