I stand tight with Republicans on the battlefield slashing at half their number with stupefying fealty to an American horror.
Like Mark Twain, the older I get, the more clearly I remember things that may never have happened and tend to forget those that did.
So it is with that Republican half, who either ignore or believe that:
Blackmailing the Ukrainian President
Advising us to use ultraviolet light and disinfectant in our bodies
Attacking NATO and friendly democracies
Slathering praise on barbaric dictators Putin and Kim
Grabbing pussy
Violating the Emoluments Clause
Separating children from their parents
Subverting the 2020 election
Inciting insurrection
Politicizing the Justice Department
Befriending white supremacists
Firing whistle blowers
Refusing to divest to profit from his election
Stealing classified documents
Obstructing justice
are the qualities to seek in our leader.
Richard Kimball, Vote Smart Founder
Sign up on my Blog at: richardkimball.org
Medium.com at: https://medium.com/@daffieduck2016